Well, thanks to a person on one of my local freecycle lists, I now have a router that I can hook up the extra internet circuit to. This will be handy. Although I fully intend, at least at first, to hook the linux box directly up to the modem, the router will be needed when I hook up a web server for the front end of the VOD system. Now, all I have to do is figure out a few details on NATting and routing and I think we'll be in business. I mean, I think we'll be in business from a functional standpoint before that, but having the front end would be nice too...
The copy of "The Vatican of Pius XII" came in today. This is good; I was beginning to wonder about it. I haven't gotten a chance to preview it yet. I do have a 16mm projector that I can't use for telecine but is good for just watching films on. I just can't really bring it out until I have room to set it up. I did look at what was written on the leader though. Someone put "The VACATION of Pius XII" on there. That would have been interesting. Shots of Castel Gandolfo...taking in a football (soccer) match between Juventus and AC Milan...just kinda hanging out...
Of course, as rare as that film would be, I think someone accidently wrote "vacation" instead of "Vatican". I'm not sure if Pope Pius XII was a football (soccer) fan. I know our current Holy Father, Benedict XVI, and Pope John Paul II both are/were fans of the game. I'm really becoming a fan myself, but I generally prefer the English Premiership over Serie A in Italy, and I'm a supporter for East London side West Ham United and not AS Roma or Juventus.
But I digress. I have to admit, between daily prayer and watching football (soccer), I've been able to maintain sanity in an otherwise hectic and stressful life. Mater Dei Television is closer than it ever was before of going up permanently, but our family finances are still pretty tight. My daily prayer, at this point, consists of my Militia Immaculata daily consecration prayer, the Miraculous Medal prayer, and sometimes an act of contrition in the morning, a Hail Mary and a St. Michael exorcism prayer before I start work, and an Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Glory Be, and another St. Michael before bed with my two older sons. It's good, but it can always be better. Watching the football (soccer) helps my brain relax like the prayers help my soul relax.
In any case, I've droned on enough. More later...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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