Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This Just In from St. Stephen's in Syracuse

Two Rosary Rallies for Bishop James M. Moynihan
: June 21, 2007 at noon and June 24, 2007 at 4:30 PM
Where: Outside the Cathedral, 259 East Onondaga St, Syracuse, NY

Press Release
Contact: Jim Reilly
(315) 682-9366

Those in the Diocese of Syracuse To Hold a Rosary Rally on the Feast of John the Baptist to Aid Bishop. 100's Expected for grass roots Marian Event In Syracuse

At the Cathedral - 259 East Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202; Sunday June 21 th Noon
At the Cathedral - 259 East Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202; Sunday June 24 th 4:30 PM

Concerned our Bishop is moving in the wrong direction? PRAY FOR HIM !

● When Massive church closings are hailed as a solution not a tragedy
● He an expert in Canon Law, saying there is no appeal to church suppression!
● Support for Openly Gay Priests and acceptance of lifestyle. Call Sin a Sin!
● Replaced Religious Education with an awful Sex Education Class.
● Stifles and limits legitimate sacraments to the faithful.
● Homosexual priest scandal and attempts to reassign them.
● Closes growing healthy parishes.

Sidewalk procession around block of Bishops residence while saying the full 15 decades of the rosary.

We pray our Bishop will reconsider his actions in the light of long standing traditions of Holy Mother Church. Renounce his support of ill-formed homosexual priests. Rethink church closings. Accept offered help from priests and help from outside the diocese. For more information on the Rosary Rally or to register an organization for the events, contact Jim Reilly (315) 682-9366

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