Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Summorum Pontificum

Summorum Pontificum is the name of the Motu Proprio that will be released on July 7 calling for a greater use of the Tridentine Mass.

When it becomes available, I'll try to put the text to it or link to it up and online. I'm shooting for that to also be the date which the feed will be up. Again, I hope to have it online before I go on vacation...

In the meantime, I'm putting together a computer for a client/friend that's going to be a media box. This is the best PC I've ever put together. Perhaps not the most important, but easily the best; 3.0 GHz Pentium 4, 2GB RAM, and a GeForce 256MB video card, with an NTSC capture card. I'm going to find a nice Media-Center front end on it and have a nice PC. The cool thing is that this will eventually be his backup; the uber-comptuer I'm going to build for him in a few months is going to have HDMI ports, probably Core-Duo processor, similar motherboard, and at least 4GB RAM, with at least a terrabyte of hard drive space. I want to put an HDTV/ATSC card in it too. If this works well, might have to build one up for MDTV as well...

More later...

Chuck, MI

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