Monday, March 19, 2007

Latest Updates

This is just a quick update. The 120 GB harddrive I referred to previously is a no-go in the firewire enclosure. This means I will only travel with a total of 110 GB of storage as opposed to the 200 GB I wanted, but oh well. It's nice because it's one more thing I can consider out of the way and now I can try to do some actual work. I will probably use it in the Windows Media Encoder as a data drive. I haven't gotten a chance to pick up the replacement copy of XP yet, either, but will try to make it over tomorrow. When that happens, the rest of the ducks should be in a row and quacking.

I also told a couple of friends about this blog thus far; my friend Donato up in Massachusetts, who helped start the Boston Faithful Seeking Understanding, which going by the name sounds very "progressive" and heterodoxy, but it's actually quite the opposite. It's got some good general apologetics stuff on the webpage, and might be a good means to get that family member or friend who's still waiting for the Church to start ordaining women to actually see what the Church teaches. In that regard, it does for liberal Catholics what John Martignoni's Bible Christian Society does for protestants.

Also, Colleen Hammond was also forwarded the link today too. For those of you who don't know her, she's the author of "Dressing with Dignity", which is published by TAN Books. I helped her shoot a couple of videos in Cincinnati towards the end of 2005 at St. Pius X, but we're thinking we're going to need to reshoot them. I have better equipment now, and we may even be able to take advantage of shooting these 16x9. Keep praying for these videos to happen in the near future.

I'll be sending them out to other friends, too; Paul Nichols from Better in Latin is a friend and actually provided the cartoons on the right. I only asked him to wait to link to me until I get the video feed up, and then he's got the go ahead. Ah, what the heck, Paul. Go ahead and throw the link in there anyway. Never of your readers may have some technical insight that's been eluding me.

Until tomorrow...

Chuck, MI

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